Vintage and Pre Owned Designer Scarves

Welcome to Her Scarf, Your Scarf! Enjoy browsing and selecting from my private collection of Designer Scarves from all over the world! What was once "Her Scarf" can now become "Your Scarf" as all my scarves are vintage and pre-owned, and thus a more affordable addition to your wardrobe! I'm pleased to wrap you in pure elegance and beauty!

20 Easy ways to wear Silk Scarves

  • Meet the Owner

    Thank you SO MUCH for shopping at my store! My name is Emily. I have lived in Texas for 16 years. I have been an RN for over 30 years. I come from a line of family members that have loved antiques, Estate sales etc and it is in my blood! I have discovered a love for silk scarves and began collecting them in march of 2021 as i'm an avid estate sale-er myself! Now i'm passing these beauties ive discovered onto you at a discounted rate (vs brand new off the rack) as they are vintage and pre-owned. As a single parent for the past 18 years i appreciate the need for single moms to look their best when they're job hunting, dateing or even just enjoying some socialization!